Our MCI E4500 Party Buses
Our fleet of buses consists of a large number of MCI E4500 luxury buses, each with some or all the following features:
- Multiple high definition flat screens with DVD capabilities
- Enhanced audio with dual subwoofers, 15 tweeters, and more power
- High quality seats, sidewalls, and flooring
- Braun wheelchair lift
- Color changing party lighting
- Saucon asset tracking system & cellular Drive Cam
- Aluminum wheels with Durabrite finish
- Seatback audio
- iPod & MP3 connections
- LED tube lighting
- Improved Wi-Fi system
- Spiral entrance stairway
- Wireless microphone
- Interior lighting enhancements
- Large enclosed parcel racks with doors
- 15" LCD widescreen monitors
- 110v outlets throughout cabin & seat
- LED accent lighting